
Welcome in recognition of the oldest known Christian Police Association in the United States. The memory of Ms. Catherine Gurney is honored here. And, the affiliation with all Christian police, corrections and criminal justice system groups are recognized and sealed with this rich history and original institution. It is the prayerful desire of the CPA USA to embrace, support, and model Biblical mandates in all efforts to meet the spiritual crisis in society effecting the families, careers and communities in which we serve. The CPA USA exists in hopes to serve, encourage, equip, organize, influence and impact others for the purpose of knowing God, trusting Christ and relying upon the power of the Holy Spirit to be a direct and urgent voice within each persons own sphere of influence. Best Regards and Blessings,

Del D. Walinga, CPA National Representative



Del is 30 year law enforcement and corrections officer, instructor with Pointman Leadership Institute, board member of County Corrections Gospel Mission and past national board member of the Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers.

Specific verses that Del believes reflect the God ordained role of police and corrections officers as ministers of the Gospel, as well as how the working together of ministries should be viewed, are Isaiah 60: 1-3 and Verse 22.